Repairing A Gummy Smile In A Single Visit

added on: May 9, 2013

If someone special in your life has a ‘gummy smile,’ you probably have noticed they tend to hold back on a really full smile. They may put their hand in front of their mouth when smiling or look down when laughing. In photos, they tend to resist a full smile.

This is a shame for so many people who are precious to us. Perhaps it is a mother or wife. Maybe it is a bride who knows all eyes (and photographs) will be on her. Maybe it’s a child preparing for college and feels uneasy about making new friends.

Repairing a gummy smile is, quite frankly, a fairly simple procedure. Often, excess gum tissue is removed in a single procedure. The gum line is evened out so the smile has a more balanced and appealing appearance. We use a laser for most procedures for a precision contour and rapid healing time. Patients are very comfortable throughout the procedure with either oral or I.V. sedation, if desired.

If you have, or know someone who has, a gummy smile and would like to feel more confident smiling, laughing and enjoying social gatherings, begin with a free consultation to discuss the procedure. Your smile should reflect YOU at your very best! Call toll free 1-866-9-Smiles to learn more.

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Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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