Responding To Dental Emergencies

added on: March 3, 2013

Although appointment times are scheduled for patients during week days, it seems  mishaps occur in evenings or on weekends more often than not! Please know we are available for after-hours emergency needs. Call the office and the recording will direct you on how to reach me.

In the meantime, here are some tips for tending to the most common dental emergencies:

TOOTHACHE – Clean the area around the sore tooth thoroughly. Rinse the mouth thoroughly with warm, salt water or use dental floss to gently dislodge trapped food or debris. If the face is swollen, apply a cold compress. Take acetaminophen for pain but do not place aspirin on the gum or aching tooth.

CUT OR BITTEN TONGUE, LIP OR CHEEK – Apply cold compress to bruised areas. If there is bleeding, apply firm but gentle pressure with a clean gauze or cloth. If bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes or cannot be controlled by simple pressure, go to a hospital emergency room.

KNOCKED OUT PERMANENT TOOTH – Handle the tooth by the top portion rather than the root. Rinse the tooth, but do not clean or handle the tooth unnecessarily. Try to reinsert the tooth into the socket and hold the tooth in place by biting on a clean gauze or cloth. If you cannot reinsert the tooth, place the tooth in a cup of milk or water and notify us immediately. Time is a critical factor in saving a tooth.

BROKEN TOOTH – Rinse dirt from the injured area with warm water. Place cold compresses over the area of the injury. Save any broken tooth fragments and contact us immediately.

POSSIBLE BROKEN JAW – If a fractured jaw is suspected, use a tie, towel or handkerchief to tie underneath the chin and over the top of the head. This will help to keep the jaws from moving. Go to the nearest emergency room.

Your smile is important to us 24/7. Remember to wear a mouth guard for sports or outdoor activities to prevent or lessen the severity of dental emergencies. Call us toll free 1-866-9-Smiles to discuss having a custom-made mouth guard. These tend to be worn more often because of the comfortable fit.

Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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