Shelby Township Dentist Dr. Ban Barbat believes that every dental visit should be a positive experience. Dental fear can be minimized and even overcome, as patients throughout Macomb and Oakland counties have found!

Dr. Ban R. Barbat and her entire team are committed to your comfort at every dental appointment. In addition to having earned a reputation for a gentle touch and “painless injections” (as many patients claim), Dr. Barbat has completed advanced training and incorporates numerous features to provide a relaxing environment for nervous or anxious patients.

For those who desire additional relaxation for dental treatment, Dr. Barbat also offers Oral Sedation and I.V. Sedation (twilight sleep).

ORAL SEDATION – In pill form, this sedative provides total relaxation throughout dental procedures, erasing most (if not all) memory of the procedure afterward. The medication is provided once you arrive. By the time you are seated in a treatment chair, you are very relaxed. We cover you with a warm blanket, and as you relax, the medication takes full effect. Once fully relaxed, Dr. Barbat administers numbing medications to ensure your continued comfort throughout your procedure. After treatment, recovery is quick. Most patients leave with a refreshed feeling afterward.

IV SEDATION (twilight sleep) – This sedation provides a deeper level than Oral Sedation and is delivered through an I.V. drip prior to and during your dental procedure. IV Sedation is referred to as sleep dentistry by some people. Most patients have no memory of their procedure afterward and prefer this ‘sleep state’ for lengthy or more complex dentistry, although recovery requires more time than with oral sedation.

For both Oral and IV Sedation, numbing medications are administered once you are fully ‘under’ and you will be carefully monitored by trained staff and special equipment throughout. We are committed to your safety at all times, during all procedures.

NUCALM – Relaxes the mind and body by turning off the body’s “fight or flight” response, which is triggered when we sense fear, stress, or anxiety. Unlike narcotics or controlled substances, Nucalm is completely safe, has no side effects, and no recovery time is needed.

The process uses a calming gel and noise reduction headphones that play music created to make your brain sense a sleep state. Special glasses are worn to block out all light and small patches are placed behind each ear to coax a relaxation response.

NITROUS OXIDE – Also referred to as “laughing gas,” this relaxation method (delivered by inhalation) reduces anxiety during treatment.


  • Ergonomically-designed treatment chairs, chair massagers, relaxation videos and music, and a selection of beverages add to a pampered feeling at every visit.
  • Dr. Barbat also believes that communication is beneficial to patients who are in treatment. By keeping them informed of what is being done, most patients feel more in control.
  • Dr. Barbat and her team have found that anxiety tends to build when patients have long wait times. Therefore, patient appointments are structured so wait time in the reception area is minimal, typically less than 10 minutes. When disruptions to this time frame occur, our front office will keep you informed.

To discuss your dental fear or anxiety concerns with the dentist who has an excellent track record helping fearful adults achieve confident smiles, schedule a private, no-cost Consultation Appointment with Dr. Barbat. During this time, you’ll receive personalized attention to your concerns and have your questions thoroughly answered.

Dr. Barbat is a true champion of patients who struggle with dental fear. She has written “Guide For The Fearful Dental Patient” with tips on how to move through the challenges of dental fear and feel more relaxed in a dental office. Click Here To Download