Wobbly Denture? Here Is Why.

added on: February 15, 2016

If you are a fairly new denture wearer, the fit is probably pretty snug. To eat comfortably and securely, you may also use a denture adhesive or paste to help prevent movement.

If you are a long-time denture wearer, however, the fit is probably very different than it was when the denture was first made. Over time, you may have noticed your denture start to  slip when eating. It may have caused some uncomfortable rubbing that resulted in sore spots on tender gums.

While eating things like nuts or foods with seeds, you may have also felt your gums were being pierced by these particles from being trapped between the denture and gums. Too, you may feel uneasy about eating a chewy bagel or crunching on celery, especially when with friends.

Why would a denture that fit well when it was first made begin to move around? While a reline can be done to reshape the denture for more stability, that’s not going to fix the underlying problem, which is bone resorption.

Profile comparison of healthy jaw bone and one with severe resorption.

Profile comparison of healthy jaw bone and one with severe resorption.

Bone resorption describes what occurs when tooth roots are missing from the upper or lower jaw bone. Without their stimulation to the bone, the bone slowly shrinks in mass. The result is a declining ‘ridge’ to support the denture. The ridge is actually the jaw bone covered over with gum tissue. As it flattens due to bone resorption, the denture begins to slip and move since it no longer conforms to the ridge it was designed to wrap.

If you sleep in your dentures, the rate of bone loss accelerates due to the 24/7 pressure placed on the jaw bones. And, as resorption continues, eating certain foods becomes too challenging. Many long-time denture wearers resort to a diet of soft foods that dissolve easily in the mouth. They also start to decline invitations to social outings that include food, which is a centerpiece of many gatherings.

It is a fact that denture wearers take more medications and have more gastrointestinal problems than non-denture wearers. Since the digestive process begins in the mouth while chewing, it’s no surprise that these issues are more commonplace with denture wearers.

Changes in facial appearance show signs of bone resorption as well. Common changes include deep wrinkling around the mouth, jowls that form as facial muscles detach from shrinking jaws and a collapsed appearance of the mouth into the face.

Bone loss can be halted, however. Dental implants recreate the presence of tooth roots and prevent resorption. Because they are held in the jaw, just as the tooth roots you once had, they provide a firm, stable foundation for chewing, biting and laughing with confidence.

If your denture is starting to ‘wobble,’ the process of bone loss will only continue to cause problems. Begin with a free consultation to discuss the best implant type for your needs and budget. From there, you can decide how you wish to proceed. Call toll free 1-866-9-Smiles to schedule.


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Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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