According to an article in Forbes Health, “ …dental implants have grown in popularity since the 1970s as an alternative to dentures or bridges to replace unhealthy or missing teeth. Although only 6% of Americans have implants now, by 2026 that number is set to grow to 23%.”,set%20to%20grow%20to%2023%25. The… Read More…
If you are in the 65 and over age group, or headed in that direction in the near future, you are in a rapidly growing segment of “older” adults. Although being over 65 years old once projected an image of rocking chairs and soaking “false” teeth in a glass at… Read More…
The human body is a miraculous structure. Throughout it, the skeletal system makes up about 12 – 15% of its body weight. Through adolescence, a cycle of bone renewal and growth occurs. By our 20s, the cycle of bone growth peaks and renewal begins to slowly decline. In mid-life, a… Read More…
It seems more and more people are going right to a digital source to not only find something they want or need – including medical and dental services – they do price comparisons and look for special offers and “deals.” While we all want to get the most of our… Read More…
As a dentist in Macomb County with over 25 years of experience, I’ve helped hundreds of adults achieve excellent dental wellness as well as beautiful smiles. Dental wellness is the most important aspect of a smile, but I understand that its appearance is an important factor for many individuals as… Read More…
Throughout one’s lifetime, it is not unusual to lose one or several teeth. This can occur due to accidents, a tooth fracture that extends below the gum line, or a tooth that is so beyond repair that a crown can no longer protect the remaining structure. Since every tooth plays… Read More…
If you (or someone close to you) have lost all of your upper and/or lower teeth, or feel you are headed in that direction, then the following will be particularly interesting. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC): Over one-fourth (26%) of adults aged 65 or older… Read More…
As a dentist, I’ve cared for smiles of all ages in Macomb County for over 25 years. Some of these smiles come to us with healthy teeth and gums while others come with challenges. In any event, our goal is to help every patient enjoy the benefits of good oral… Read More…
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. This is a time to celebrate and support the role of parents when it comes to the oral health of their child(ren). Although a “baby” tooth will eventually be replaced (starting around age 6 or 7, and by 12 years old), the fact… Read More…
During their lifetimes, many adults face the removal of a single tooth. This may be necessary when a tooth is beyond repair than can be resolved with a crown or because of a fracture that extends below the gum line. Or, tooth loss can occur due to an accident or… Read More…