According to an article in Forbes Health, “ …dental implants have grown in popularity since the 1970s as an alternative to dentures or bridges to replace unhealthy or missing teeth. Although only 6% of Americans have implants now, by 2026 that number is set to grow to 23%.”,set%20to%20grow%20to%2023%25. The… Read More…
Golfers know that a low number is a good thing. With most courses having a 72 rating as par, being close to that number or even below is what golfers pursue. Low numbers can be the goal in other areas, dentistry being one of them. Having minimal “depths” of loose… Read More…
A dental crown (sometimes referred to as a “cap”) is a tooth-shaped covering that fits over a prepared tooth. The “prepared” portion is a natural tooth that has been reshaped so the crown will fit securely over it, while conforming properly to the look and function of adjacent teeth. The… Read More…
Along with the rewards of parenthood come the challenges. Added to today’s challenges are soaring costs for groceries, gas, and healthcare. These can put quite the strain on raising children to ensure all needs are met. Whether you have school-age children in your care or not, it seems the school… Read More…
While many people are gravitating towards more natural options to treating various conditions, it is important to make us aware of ALL medications you take, including herbal supplements. Some herbal supplements can interfere with the absorption of medications prescribed before or after your dental treatment. Others can cause blood thinning,… Read More…
If you are in the 65 and over age group, or headed in that direction in the near future, you are in a rapidly growing segment of “older” adults. Although being over 65 years old once projected an image of rocking chairs and soaking “false” teeth in a glass at… Read More…
We all have things that need our attention. We may need to recaulk the shower stall or have the carpet in the hallway cleaned, but tend to ignore those things that aren’t calling out the loudest for our attention. As a dentist in Macomb County, this is what I see… Read More…
Occasionally, we see new patients who have problems that, to their surprise, is not normal. Five of these are listed below… Seeing blood in the sink when brushing teeth There is a misconception that scrubbing teeth so rigorously that they bleed is a sign of doing a… Read More…
As a cosmetic dentist, I believe a smile should make an individual feel good inside and out. A beautiful, healthy smile should make you want to smile in addition to enhancing facial appearance. And, when it comes to smiling, there’s an added bonus when you do. When you smile, a… Read More…
Sometimes, it’s the smallest things that create big problems. This is especially true when it comes to the TMJ, the jaw joints. TMJ is an abbreviation for the temporomandibular joints. These joints, located on each side of the head just in front of the ears, are what make it possible… Read More…