added on: May 15, 2024

Obesity is having a BMI over 30% of the body’s weight – nearly one-third of the body’s weight as fat. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Michigan has an “obesity prevalence” of 34.5%. While some states are higher and some lower, that’s not good. Weight is… Read More…

added on: March 30, 2024

In like a lion, out like a lamb… … so they say about the month of March. No matter how March comes in or goes out, we’ve come to know it for more sunshine and the welcome emergence of flowers and trees coming back to life. And, love it or… Read More…

added on: December 7, 2023

Here’s an important “wake up call” for every individual… A 2022 report published by the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute shared that an estimated 50 to 70 million Americans have chronic, or ongoing, sleep disorders with nearly 40% of U.S. adults admit to falling asleep during the day without… Read More…

added on: August 1, 2023

It is now estimated that 26% of adults between the ages of 30 and 70 years have sleep apnea. It is thought that up to 6% of children have the sleep disorder. With sleep apnea impacting the lives of an estimated 30 million people in the U.S., only 6 million have been… Read More…

added on: April 19, 2023

The confinement and “sheltering in place” of the pandemic seem to be in the distant past. However, some habits formed during the time of being shut in were not so great. During this time, psychologists noted a range of sleep changes; some people were sleeping more while others (especially those… Read More…

added on: November 7, 2022

A concerning article* was recently shared by NPR** in October (written by The Associated Press). As a neuromuscular dentist who treats a number of sleep apnea patients through oral appliance therapy, it provides an update on an issue I’ve been tracking for quite some time. First, let me address the… Read More…

added on: July 25, 2022

Baby Boomers is a term used to describe a population surge of those who were born post-WW II between the years 1946 – 1964. Starting in 2030, all “boomers” will be older than 65, making up 21 percent of the population (up from 15 percent at present). This gives the… Read More…

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Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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