Is Your Smile Disrupting Your Sleep?

added on: October 1, 2014

American adults are tired. We work hard, play hard, deal with frequent stress and pressures, and don’t get enough sleep. It is estimated that over one-third of American adults get an insufficient amount of sleep, which is less than 7 hours per night.

Although more light is being cast on conditions such as Sleep Apnea and heavy snoring, a misaligned bite can also be a contributing factor for achieving restful, sound sleep.

When teeth are not properly aligned, the imbalance affects far more than just how upper and lower teeth meet. The position of how our upper and lower teeth meet is a typical cause for headaches, jaw pain, sore muscles, neck and back pain, limited range of motion of the neck, poor posture, stuffy and ringing ears, grinding and breaking teeth, dizziness, fatigue and more. All of these symptoms can be due to one’s bite being off, perhaps by only a millimeter (1/25th of an inch).

Your dental make-up is an intricate composition of muscles, joints and teeth and plays a major role in your overall comfort and health. The resulting symptoms of bite misalignment can certainly add to sleep interferences, such as grinding or clenching teeth at night. Not only do these actions disrupt restful sleep, they can lead to worn or fractured teeth.

Neuromuscular Dentistry is a modern advancement based on the understanding that the temporo-mandibular joints (TMJ) need to be in a comfortable resting position for the ultimate comfort of the joints, muscles, bones and teeth. When this occurs, all structures work together harmoniously.

Neuromuscular Dentists understand its impact and how to incorporate it into restorative and esthetic treatment help patients avoid problems down the road or correct those that exist.

The human body can adjust to flaws, such as one leg being shorter than the other. Yet, having flaws for years confuses the body’s perception of comfort over time. Unexplained pain is often attributed to other aspects of the patient’s life, such as stress, hormones or posture. They are given drugs or sent for therapy to deal with “non-dental” problems. Some are told it’s all in their head.

Today, advancements in computer technology enable Dentists trained in Neuromuscular Dentistry to capture information for more effective treatment. It also gives visual ‘proof’ of treatment requirements so patients accept the authenticity of the diagnosis.

With advanced training in Neuromuscular Dentistry, we use state-of-the-art technology to measure the electrical activity of the muscles and determine the ideal resting position of the mandible (lower jaw).

The result, for many individuals, is restored sleep and a smile that is no longer vulnerable to damage due to bite imbalance. If you are experiencing headaches, migraines, sore jaw joints, pain in your neck or shoulders, or are clenching or grinding your teeth at night, contact us at 1-866-9-Smiles for a Consultation appointment. During this time, we’ll discuss your symptoms and assess the benefits of proceeding with diagnostics that determine if bite misalignment is the true source of your problems.

Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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