Pure Power Mouth Guard: An Extra Edge|Troy MI Cosmetic Dentist

added on: February 24, 2010

Makkar Pure Power Mouth Guard: “All We Did Was Give Them An Extra Edge”

The Makkar Pure Power Mouth Guard has been gaining a lot of media attention, especially in the sports world.

“About 40 members of the New Orleans Saints are sporting the mouthpiece invented by Truro dentist Anil Makkar while seven players of the opposition Indianapolis Colts are also using the product.”

” “(The Saints) were already a great team.

They had all the right parts in place,” the 48-year-old Makkar said over the phone from Miami, where he’s attending Super Bowl festivities with the team and will take in the game Sunday. “I think all we did was give them an extra edge.”The mouthguard properly aligns the jaw and spine, allowing for better breathing and increased range of motion and power.It all started when Saints linebacker Jonathan Vilma was fitted for a Makkar PPM last year and noticed his headaches went away. He mentioned the mouthpiece to general manager Mickey Loomis. “

To get fitted for your own personal Pure Power Mouth Guard contact Dr. Ban Barbat and her experienced Metro Detroit Michigan neuromuscular dentist team today. Give yourself that necessary sporting edge, that has been used this year by Olympic Gold Medal Winners, Super Bowl Winners and powerhouse athletes from everysport to naturally and healthily enhance their natural abilities.Source: The Truro Daily News

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Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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