Play Safe This Summer With Comfortable Mouthguards

added on: May 7, 2012

School will be out for summer soon, but that doesn’t mean a slow-down for many adolescents and young adults who are active in sports. As a matter of fact, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claims that over half of the sports-related injuries that occur annually happen to those between 5 and 24 years old.

There are good reasons to use a mouthguard, especially when contact sports are involved.

Because mouthguards separate soft tissues in the mouth from the teeth, they prevent cuts and bruising of the lips and cheeks. They also help to prevent the trauma and costly repair to broken or knocked out teeth. Plus, mouthguards can reduce the severity and incidence of concussions.

However, many people are unaware that, in some sport mishaps, the lower jaw can be jammed into the upper jaw, leading to jaw fractures, cerebral hemorrhage and neck injuries. Mouthguards help to prevent or greatly decrease the severity of these dangers.

We create custom-made mouthguards that provide the greatest protection, fit and comfort. Unlike drug store ‘boil-&-bite’ types, a custom fit doesn’t move around. Typically, the more comfortable the fit, the more willing an individual is to wear it.

Enjoy your summer and play til your heart’s content! With a custom-made mouthguard, you can play with more confidence and comfort. For more about the process for a custom-fitted mouthguard and cost, call us at (586) 739-2155.

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Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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