A CLEAR Choice When It Comes To Straight Teeth!

added on: February 6, 2019

It’s no secret that an appealing, healthy smile is an asset to your life. In addition to studies that now show good oral health is beneficial to good overall health, having a smile we feel good about tends to be shared more often. It also sends a message to others – a good one! Some studies indicate that people with beautiful smiles are perceived to be more successful, intelligent, and outgoing.

Of course, the biggest component when it comes to a beautiful smile is the position of teeth. If teeth that are visible in a smile are crowded, crooked, protrude, or gapped, it can draw the eye in a not-so-positive way. Fortunately, using today’s advanced techniques and materials in dentistry, skilled cosmetic dentists can beautifully correct smile flaws, often in just one or two appointments. Through placement of custom-created porcelain veneers and crowns, even severe smile flaws can be corrected.

The result? A beautiful smile with a highly-natural appearance,

However, some adults prefer to straighten the natural teeth they have rather than have them cosmetically altered. In some cases, it is also more economical to straighten teeth. The decision to go with cosmetic dentistry vs. braces is a personal one, typically based on (1) How much time do I want to spend in treatment?; (2) Will moving my natural teeth result in the smile I ultimately want?; and (3) Do I prefer moving my natural teeth over changing the structure of some teeth to accommodate crowns or veneers?

As an experienced cosmetic dentist with advanced training in all realms of the field as well as a neuromuscular dentist, I take the patient’s preferences into consideration as well as the need for proper bite alignment. We believe our patients deserve to have smiles they love AND smiles that are balanced to do what they need to do with proper function.

In a properly-aligned bite, the upper and lower teeth come together in a unified way for ease of biting, chewing, and speaking. Without the teeth moving together in harmony, it can result in chipped, broken or cracked teeth. It can also cause strain to jaw joints.

The jaw joints are often referred to as TMJ. When they become worn or inflamed due to bite misalignment, it can eventually lead to migraines, headaches, sore jaw joints, aching facial or neck muscles, ear ringing, and dizziness. A misaligned bite can also causing abnormal wearing down of teeth, where the tops of teeth become flattened.

Worn teeth typically stem from night-time grinding of teeth, known as bruxing. The force behind clenching or bruxing is so great, it can crack open a walnut – in your sleep!

Obviously, we want you to have a confident smile while enjoying the benefits of proper alignment. While properly aligning teeth are beneficial for oral health and appearance, a deterrent for many (adults, especially) is the dread of months of uncomfortable wires and brackets. This is why we offer Invisalign as an alternative to traditional braces.

Invisalign is an FDA-approved system that effectively straightens teeth at a pace that is typically the same as that for traditional braces. By combining 3-D computer imaging technology with a clear, medical grade polymer, the molds are generally undetectable when worn. Invisalign can also be removed to eat and clean teeth.

Teens like this “invisible” method to feel less awkward during treatment. However, those involved in many sports also appreciate that they eliminate risk for cuts and tears to the lips and inside of cheeks. Since Invisalign can be removed for easy brushing and flossing, it also allows teens (and adults, too) to maintain good oral hygiene throughout treatment.

Invisalign Teen works beautifully for most adolescents and traditional braces are no longer perceived as gawky. For many teens, wearing braces is a normal part of easing into adulthood with a great smile.

However, some estimates show that adults now make up nearly half of people undergoing orthodontics. This is a 40 percent increase of ‘adult ortho’ over the past decade, according to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). With adults now having a greater understanding of the benefits of proper tooth alignment, joining teens in treatment is a wise decision.

Today, it’s less of an issue of IF it needs to be done than a matter of HOW.

In our office, we have an orthodontist on staff to help you make the decision that is right for your needs and preferences. Dr. Jessica Delgado is experienced in all levels of realignment, including being Invisalign Certified.

Our Shelby Township dental office offers a free consultation with Dr. Delgado for those who are interested in straightening their teeth. Or, I am happy to discuss Invisalign (I’m also Certified in this) with you as well as cosmetic dentistry in a no-cost, private session.

During this time, we will be happy to explain the process involved for the option best for you as well as anticipated treatment time and costs. If desired, I can have our Financial Coordinator meet with you to explain easy payment plans, most of which are interest-free and require no down payment.

To begin, call 586-739-2155 or tap here to arrange a time convenient for you.

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Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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