Comfort Here In Many Forms

added on: May 1, 2014

When most people think of dentistry, ‘comfort’ is not usually a word that comes to mind. Yet, our patients compliment us frequently on the level of comfort we provide.

Although we offer both Oral and I.V. Sedation (twilight sleep) for fearful patients or those having lengthy procedures, it is my belief that a gentle touch and communication with the patient enhances their comfort level regardless of sedation with their treatment.

Numbing medications begin with a swab placed on the area for injection. This has a numbing solution on it and removes the ‘stick’ you typically expect. Going slow with the needle and administering the novocain at a slow pace helps avoid those jolts that can result otherwise.

We also communicate with patients who are not sedated throughout the procedure. We find patients are more at ease when they know what is being done. We also reassure patients that, at any time during the process, they can signal that they are experiencing discomfort or need a break.

Additionally, our ‘Total Relaxation Room’ is a serene environment that anxious patients find especially comforting. The lighting, the aromatherapy and being covered in a warm blanket makes our patients feel like they are in a spa rather than a dental office! They can also enjoy their favorite music or watch a video during procedures.

Typically, after one appointment, patients who were once fearful or dreaded dental procedures realize that here they are actually pleasant experiences – with results that are well worth it!

If fear or anxiety is an issue for you, begin with a no-cost Consultation. We’ll sit together in a private Consultation room that’s removed from the clinical side of the office and discuss options that are appropriate for you specific needs. Call 1-866-9-Smiles to speak with one of our friendly staff members to begin!

Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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